Table of Contents


The Repository Asset Distribution (RADion) was developed under the European Commission's ISA Programme . This is the namespace document, generated from the associated RDF schema. Full documentation is provided in the RADion RDF Schema specification document itself. This includes background information, use cases, the conceptual model and full definitions for all terms used.


The URI for this vocabulary is

When abbreviating terms the suggested prefix is rad

Each class or property in the vocabulary has a URI constructed by appending a term name to the vocabulary URI. For example:

Vocabulary Terms at a Glance

RADion UML Class Diagram
RADion UML Class Diagram


This section provides the formal definition of each class in the vocabulary.

Class Repository

Type of Term Class
QName rad:Repository
Definition A Repository is a system or service that provides facilities for storage and maintenance of descriptions of Assets and Distributions. A Repository will typically contain descriptions of several Assets and functionality that allows users to search and access these descriptions. The Distributions - the actual files themselves - will typically be available from the Repository or elsewhere on the World Wide Web.

Class Asset

Type of Term Class
QName rad:Asset
Definition An Asset represents the conceptual content of a resource. A particular Asset may have zero or more Distributions in different formats.

Class Distribution

Type of Term Class
QName rad:Distribution
Definition A Distribution is a particular representation or concretisation of an Asset in the form of a downloadable computer file that implements the intellectual content of an Asset. A particular Distribution is typically associated with one Asset.

Class Agent

Type of Term Class
QName dcterms:Agent
Definition A resource that acts or has the power to act.
Usage Note The dcterms:Agent class (or a sub class of it) is used in RADion to represent the publisher of a Repository or its components.

Class Location

Type of Term Class
QName dcterms:Location
Definition The dcterms:Location class fully represents the RADion class of Geographic Coverage.
Usage Note The Location Core Vocabulary also uses dcterms:Location.

Class Language

Type of Term Class
QName dcterms:LinguisticSystem
Definition The dcterms:LinguisticSystem class fully represents the RADion concept of Language.
Usage Note Used in RADion to provide the language of textual information within an Asset, e.g. the language of the terms in a controlled vocabulary (ideally the set of tags defined by RFC 3066 ) or the language that a specification is written in.

Class File Format

Type of Term Class
QName dcterms:FileFormat
Definition The dcterms:FileFormat class fully represents the RADion concept of a file format.
Usage Note Used in RADion to provide the technical format that a Distribution is available in, e.g. PDF for a document, XML for a schema.

Class License

Type of Term Class
QName dcterms:LicenseDocument
Definition The dcterms:LicenseDocument class fully represents the RADion concept of a Licence
Usage Note Used in RADion to provide the conditions or restrictions that apply to the use of a Distribution, e.g. whether it is in the public domain, or that some restrictions apply like in cases attribution is required, or the Asset can only be used for non-commercial purposes etc.

Class string, URI, dateTime, text

Type of Term Class
QName rdfs:Literal
Definition At the conceptual level, the rdfs:Literal datatype fully represents the RADion datatypes of a string (an untyped literal) and text (string plus language tag). The RADion datatype of dateTime is also served since that requires a string conformant with ISO 8601:2004 which is true of all relevant xsd datatypes. Likewise a Literal datatyped as xsd:anyURI will fulfil the needs of RADion's URI data type.

Class Code

Type of Term Class
QName skos:Concept

The Conceptual Model includes a 'Code' datatype that is used by several classes. This is expressed using the SKOS vocabulary with a particular 'code' usually being a skos:Concept that is part of a scheme. The intention is that the skos:Concept class be used as follows;

  • for the content property, use skos:notation
  • the 'list' property will be taken care of by means of the skos:inScheme property;
  • the list agency property is likely to be applied to the scheme as a whole for which dcterms:creator is appropriate;
  • the list version property can be fulfilled using schema:version (see )


Property alternative name

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:alternative
Definition The dcterms:alternative property fully represents the RADion property of Alternative Name.
Usage Note Used in RADion to provide an alternative name for the Asset: this information may be used to provide additional access points, e.g. allowing indexing of any acronyms, nicknames, shorthand notations or other identifying information that a user might expect to find the Asset under. The range of dcterms:alternative is rdfs:Literal

Property current version

Type of Term Property
QName xhv:last
Definition The xhv:last property fully represents the RADion relationship of Current version
Usage Note RADion uses the XHTML 'last' property to link an Asset to the most recent (i.e. current) version.

Property date created

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:created
Definition The dcterms:created property fully represents the RADion property of Date of Creation.
Usage Note RADion uses this to provide the creation date of this version of the Repository, Asset or Distribution. RADion expects a datatyped value and for it to be conformant with ISO 8601, preferably using an xsd data type.

Property date modified

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:modified
Definition The dcterms:modified property fully represents the RADion property Date of Last Modification.
Usage Note RADion uses this to provide the date of latest update of the Repository, Asset or Distribution. RADion expects a datatyped value and for it to be conformant with ISO 8601, preferably using an xsd data type.

Property description

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:description
Definition The dcterms:description property fully covers the RADion property of the same name.
Usage Note Used in RADion to provide descriptive text for the Repository, Asset or Distribution.

Property distribution

Type of Term Property
QName rad:distribution
Domain #Asset
Range #Distribution
Definition The distribution relationship associates an Asset (its domain) with a Distribution (its range). It is the inverse of distributionOf

Property distributionOf

Type of Term Property
QName rad:distributionOf
Domain #Distribution
Range #Asset
Definition The distributionOf relationship associates a Distribution (its domain) with the Asset (its range) of which it is a Distribution. It is the inverse of distribution

Property format

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:format
Definition The dcterms:format property fully represents the RADion relationship of the same name
Usage Note Used in RADion to link to the format that the Distribution is available in (e.g. PDF, XML, RDF/XML, HTML) which is provided as a property of dcterms:FileFormat

Property includes

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:hasPart
Definition The dcterms:hasPart property fully represents the RADion relationship of includes.
Usage Note RADion uses dcterms:hasPart to link a Repository to an Asset.

Property keyword

Type of Term Property
QName rad:keyword
Definition A word or phrase used to succinctly descibe the Asset

Property label or name

Type of Term Property
QName rdfs:label
Definition The rdfs:label property fully represents the RADion properties of name and label.
Usage Note RADion uses this to provide the name or label of any class.

Property language

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:language
Definition The dcterms:language property fully represents the RADion property of the same name.
Usage Note RADion uses this to provide the language of the Asset.

Property license

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:license
Definition The dcterms:license property fully represents the RADion relationship of the same name.
Usage Note Used in RADion to link to the conditions or restrictions for (re-use) of the Distribution. Note that the range is dcterms:LicenseDocument

Property next version

Type of Term Property
QName xhv:next
Definition The xhv:next property fully represents the RADion relationship of Next version
Usage Note RADion uses the XHTML 'next' property to link an Asset to the next most recent version.

Property previous version

Type of Term Property
QName xhv:prev
Definition The xhv:prev property fully represents the RADion relationship of Previous version
Usage Note RADion uses the XHTML 'previous' property to link an Asset to the previous version.

Property publisher

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:publisher
Definition The dcterms:publisher property fully represents the RADion relationship of the same name
Usage Note Used in RADion to link to the organisation responsible for the publication of the Asset, Repository or Distribution. Note that the range is dcterms:Agent.

Property relation

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:relation
Definition The dcterms:relation property fully represents the RADion related asset property.
Usage Note Used in RADion to link any Asset to any other related Asset. RADion expects the object to be of type rad:Asset.

Property repository origin

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:isPartOf
Definition The dcterms:isPartOf property fully represents the RADion relationship of repository origin..
Usage Note RADion uses dcterms:isPartOf to link an Asset to a Repository.

Property spatial coverage

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:spatial
Definition The dcterms:spatial property fully represents the RADion relationship of spatial coverage.
Usage Note RADion uses this to link to the geographic region or jurisdiction that the Asset or Repository applies to. Note that the range is dcterms:Location.

Property theme, theme taxonomy

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:subject
Definition The dcterms:subject property fully represents the RADion properties of theme and theme taxonomy.
Usage Note The theme relationship associates an Asset with a specific Theme and theme taxonomy does the same job for the repository as a whole. Themes are typically, but not necessarily, encoded as a skos:Concept, arranged in a skos:ConceptScheme.

Property type

Type of Term Property
QName dcterms:type
Definition The dcterms:type property fully represents the RADion property of type.
Usage Note Used in RADion to link a Licence or Publisher to its type.

Property version

Type of Term Property
QName rad:version
Definition The version number or other designation of the Asset; the value should be a free text string

Property version notes

Type of Term Property
QName rad:versionNotes
Definition Notes on the particular version of the Asset.

Conformance Statement

A conformant implementation of this vocabulary MUST understand all vocabulary terms defined in this document.